Upcoming Meetings
We would like to announce the upcoming ESAO conference in Bergamo, Italy, on August 28th – September 1st, 2023. The conference will be once again launched by the yESAO meeting on August 28th – 29th.
We are looking forward to seeing you!
Past Meetings

- ESAO conference in Krems, Austria on September 6th-10th, 2022. The yESAO conference took place from September 6th-7th as part of this event.
- Digital conference, 07-11 September 2021 (coordinators: Ben Torner, Martin Maw)

Thank you for an unforgettable time at this year’s virtual yESAO Congress! Despite the difficult time, it was great to see you all. Thanks to all yESAOns for participating and sticking together despite the pandemic!
Your yESAO core team
- Digital conference, 07-11 September 2020 (coordinators: Martin Maw, Ben Torner)

Dear yESAO Members!
Due to the circumstances this year’s yESAO took place in an altered form.
A digital online yESAO, the “Cloudy-yESAO” tooke place between the 7th and 11th of September 2020. The format included traditional elements, such as scientific sessions and workshops, but with novel elements enabled by the online conference concept.
We had 100 participients, 24 scientific presentations, 4 special talks about research in AO during pandemic, two great keynotes and one digital workshop.
It was a great success and much fun for the core team. Thanks to all participants!
- Hannover, Germany, 03-07 September 2019 (coordinators: Alessandra Molteni, Marc Mueller; local organisers: Michael Bode, Christina Feldmann, Marc Mueller)

- Madrid, Spain, 11-12 September 2018 (coordinators: Alessandra Molteni, Marc Mueller; local organisers: Lucía Gullón, Judith G. Gutiérrez, Robert T. Sánchez del Arco)
- Vienna, Austria, 2017 (coordinators: Alessandra Molteni, Marc Mueller; local organisers: Martin Maw, Philipp Aigner)
yESAO conference highlights Vienna 2017
- Warsaw, Poland, 2016 (coordinators: Simon Sonntag, Tom Verbelen; local organisers: Jakub Palko, Anna Stecka, Krzysztof Zielinski)
yESAO conference highlights Warsaw 2016
- Leuven, Belgium, 2015 (coordinators: Simon Sonntag, Tom Verbelen; local organisers: Libera Fresiello, Steven Jacobs, Tom Verbelen, Joeri Vanpuyvelde)
yESAO conference highlights Leuven 2015
- Rome, Italy, 2014 (coordinator: Arianna Di Molfetta; local organisers: Arianna Di Molfetta, Libera Fresiello)
yESAO conference highlights Rome 2014
- Glasgow, UK, 2013 (coordinator: Arianna Di Molfetta; local organiser: Laurie Shedden)
yESAO conference highlights Glasgow 2013
- Rostock, Germany, 2012 (coordinator: Francesco Moscato; local organiser: Heinrich Prophet)
- Porto, Portugal, 2011 (coordinator: Francesco Moscato; local organiser: Rogério Pirraco)
- Skopje, Macedonia, 2010 (coordinator: Francesco Moscato; local organisers: Pavlina Dzekova, Igor Nikolov)